Overview of common funding streams

Budgeted funds

Many of our customers use funds already budgeted within their districts to purchase Renaissance solutions. These include: formula funding allocations, library budgets, technology funds, district foundations, and parent organizations.

The best strategy for accessing these funds is to include the costs of your Renaissance programs when administrators prepare yearly budgets. If a formal proposal to an administrator is required, we can help.

Competitive Grants

Federal competitive grants are typically multi-year, and the dollar amounts are usually substantialThey require compelling data to support the need, precise plans for your program, and rigorous attention to detail.

Federal formula funds

The U.S. Department of Education allocates formula funding directly to state education agencies or school districts. Renaissance’s research-proven teaching, learning, and assessment tools align with the requirements of these sources.

To learn how Renaissance solutions meet the requirements of these funding sources, contact us.

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Additional funding information

Our expert support and resources can help your school or district secure funding to implement Renaissance practice, assessment, and data insight programs.

Need a little help with the jargon?

We’ve compiled a glossary of funding related terms to help you out.

Grant proposal handbook

Foundations and corporations can be a significant source of funds, writing an effective proposal can be a challenge. Our Grant Proposals Handbook provides tips and guidance on how best to approach the funder and get the most from your efforts.

Download the handbook

What you’ll find in the handbook:

  • Grant-writing dictionary
  • Preparing a proposal to your administration document
  • Tips for making a phone call to a foundation
  • Tips for working with a grant writer

Significant federal funding for COVID-19 relief is still available

ARP ESSER funds can be used to purchase Renaissance solutions. Private schools, including those that are faith-based, can apply for Emergency Assistance for Non-public Schools (EANS) funds.

Plan now to make your ARP ESSER purchases by September 30, 2024, with payment made by January 28, 2025 and further extensions possible. Multi-year contracts for up to four years from the purchase date may be allowed by your state.

Download the COVID relief brochure
A teacher high-fiving one of her students

Additional funding resources

Have a question about funding?

Get in touch with our funding experts.

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