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Connecting assessment and instruction: What should “personalized learning” really mean?

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Connecting assessment and instruction: What should “personalized learning” really mean?

June 10, 2024

Personalized learning is a hot topic in K‒12 education. Of course, personalization can be viewed as the continuation of a much older dialogue around differentiation, and it’s also closely related to the concept of responsive teaching. As always, [...]

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Comprehensive assessment systems: Finding assessment’s Holy Grail

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Comprehensive assessment systems: Finding assessment’s Holy Grail

May 9, 2024
Categories: Assessment, | Products: DnA, FastBridge, Renaissance Fundamentals, Star CBM, Star CBM Lectura, Star Custom, Star Math, Star Phonics, Star Preschool Literacy, Star Reading, Star Spanish

Both history and mythology are filled with memorable quests and searches. Juan Ponce de León sought the Fountain of Youth, Don Quixote strove to live a chivalrous life, Captain Ahab pursued the white whale, and numerous explorers have sought the [...]

The making of fluent readers: Using the Fluency Development Lesson

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The making of fluent readers: Using the Fluency Development Lesson

April 15, 2024
Categories: Reading

Every educator has heard the phrase “Practice makes perfect.” But as Vince Lombardi famously said, “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” So, what is “perfect” practice? As two of my colleagues recently explained, reading practice is [...]

Why some Spanish assessments aren’t what they appear

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Why some Spanish assessments aren’t what they appear

March 20, 2024
Categories: Assessment,

You’re probably familiar with the idiom “The emperor has no clothes,” which comes from a folktale popularized by Hans Christian Andersen. This idiom refers to logical fallacies, meaning things that are widely accepted as true and praiseworthy but are, [...]

Assessment buyer beware: Is your assessment a “black box”?

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Assessment buyer beware: Is your assessment a “black box”?

February 21, 2024
Categories: Assessment,

A regular part of my job involves responding to questions from educators about our Renaissance assessment suite. Often, these questions involve other products in the market. How are Renaissance’s assessments alike or different? How do they compare in terms of [...]

How to use MTSS in preschool to improve learning outcomes

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How to use MTSS in preschool to improve learning outcomes

February 2, 2024

In a recent blog, we explained how preschool assessment can support great reading outcomes in elementary school. We focused especially on how to help teachers identify children who might benefit from additional support in language and early literacy, and [...]

3 takeaways to enhance the power of practice for literacy

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3 takeaways to enhance the power of practice for literacy

January 24, 2024

When you think of an expert—whether it’s a musician, an athlete, or a chef—the common denominator for their success is most certainly the amount of practice they put in. When it comes to reading, the same holds true: Students who [...]

In K–12 assessment, one size clearly does not fit all

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In K–12 assessment, one size clearly does not fit all

January 8, 2024

Is your assessment truly aligned with your state’s academic standards for reading and math? The answer may surprise you.

Using AI responsibly to support teaching and learning

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Using AI responsibly to support teaching and learning

December 1, 2023

In October, the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) released its Principles for the Future of AI in Education at a special event held at the US Capitol. These seven principles stress the responsible use [...]

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