Introducing growth indicators on the Growth Proficiency Chart
Last January, we introduced the updated Growth Proficiency Chart in Star Assessments. This interactive report visually displays data to show the relationship between proficiency and growth, which is helpful in understanding how a student is performing.
We’re now excited to announce the addition of growth indicators (for Low, Typical, and High Growth) to the Growth Proficiency Chart. These new indicators help educators to:
- Understand current performance at the district, school, class, and student levels*.
- Visualize students’ position toward the next growth category and in relation to the growth expectation you have set, which is represented by a vertical dashed line. (The example below shows a growth expectation of 50 SGP.)

With data that clearly plots students’ achievement and growth, educators get the information and insights they need to establish an instructional plan that moves all students towards greater reading and math growth.
*Note: Access to district-, school-, and class-level data depends on your role in the district. Click here to learn more.
For additional information about the Growth Proficiency Chart, please refer to the Help File.