Helping students learn to navigate Lalilo
Early learners need a calm, easy-to-navigate platform to keep them engaged and focused on learning. Most students navigate Lalilo autonomously and intuitively, but others might need some guidance. Now, you can offer students a training lesson to help them learn to navigate Lalilo.
The new Lalilo training lesson helps kids to better understand the Lalilo user experience. The lesson teaches students the basic activities and question types they’ll encounter on their learning journey to ensure students are focusing all of their time on their reading progression.
When will students receive the training exercise?
The Lalilo training lesson appears right after the placement test if students start at the beginning of the Lalilo learning progression.
Where can I see my students’ results on the training exercise?
The training exercise now appears as a lesson on the Phonics tab of your teacher dashboard.

Premium users can click on the training lesson to see exactly how students answered the questions. This helps educators to understand which activities or question types are still challenging for students.

How can I use the training exercise with my students?
You can also assign the Lalilo training lesson if you notice students are struggling with the mechanics of Lalilo. It can be a great idea to assign the training lesson to students mid-year as a refresher. You can also assign the training lesson to the “Lilo Demo” student and teach the whole class how to navigate Lalilo if you’d like.
What exercise types does the training lesson cover?
The training lesson covers the following templates. Click on the examples below to preview each template in the training lesson.
- Complete the sentence
- Composition
- Matching
- Multiple choice with one correct answer
- Multiple choice with multiple correct answers
- Sort
Teaching students the mechanics and user experience through the training lesson creates a personalized learning experience that is entirely devoted to developing critical early literacy skills for every student.