Star CBM provides additional norms for back-to-school 2024
Norm-referenced scores provide a relative measure of student achievement compared to the performance of groups of students at a given time. Educators use this data to gauge student ability, help determine instructional groups, and inform next steps based on student needs.
Renaissance continually evaluates trends in student performance and provides new/updated norms that are relevant, fair, and useful. Therefore, we are excited to announce additional norm offerings, updated norms, and product enhancements for the following Star CBM measures:
- Previously norms for the measure Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (Passage Oral Reading) were only available through grade 4. We are happy to share that the Pasajes para lectura en voz alta measure will now include norms for students in grade 5.
- Star CBM Reading’s Passage Oral Reading nonfiction passages are now included with the fiction passages for students in grades 4‒6. These grades now have 20 passages to further support Progress Monitoring, as defined by the NCII. New norms and benchmarks are now applied to these forms, and these measures have been equated in grades 4‒6 for the first time. To learn more about the value of equating, please view this brief video: AssessMinutes – Equating scores in Star CBM.
In addition to the new norms, educators will also see the following updates to better guide testing administration, in time for back to school:
- Star CBM printed forms will have a slightly updated look. The content remains the same, however, so there is no need to reprint.

- Additional reminders to better guide the assessment process and scoring have been added to the teachers’ forms for Sight & High-Frequency and Encoding measures. Star CBM Lectura instructions have also been updated.

Renaissance continues to innovate and enhance our assessments to provide educators with the data they need to positively impact student learning and growth. Revisit previously published Star CBM product update posts and stay tuned for more.