Introducing School Leader Visibility setting in Renaissance Analytics
We are excited to announce an enhancement to give administrators greater flexibility regarding who sees certain data in Renaissance Analytics.
The new School Leader Visibility feature allows administrators to specify what data school leaders have access to in their Renaissance Analytics dashboards. Administrators can now change the default setting to remove the District Profile from school leaders’ dashboards as needed. In addition, administrators can control whether school leaders can access aggregated data for all schools across the district or only the schools within their purview.
Having greater control over data visibility has been a top feature request from our administrators. With this new setting, we are hopeful more school leaders will get access to Renaissance Analytics to view data for their schools and students to make informed decisions about instruction and resources.
This latest Renaissance Analytics update continues to empower educators to See Every Student and maximize the impact of their Renaissance solutions on student learning. Renaissance Analytics is a free tool included in the Renaissance ecosystem. If you don’t have access to it yet, contact your Account Manager for more information.