Ignite the extraordinary potential in every student

Research has shown that experts are made, not born—and that adult expertise often traces back to early experiences. As an educator, this means you are in a position of great influence on expertise and your impact cannot be underestimated.

How do you unleash the fullest potential of every student?

Unlocking Student Talent explores the three key elements of developing expertise: motivation, practice, and coaching. Written with educators in mind, this research-driven book discusses the key elements needed to spark students’ passion, the critical differences between general practice and deliberate practice, and the stages of coaching that continually propel a learner toward greater and greater levels of expertise.

If you’re ready to unleash your own power to find, nurture, and grow the talent within every student, get your copy of Unlocking Student Talent today!

Renaissance is proud that our Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, Gene Kerns, is co-author of this exceptional publication.

About Gene M. Kerns,

Gene M. Kerns, EdD, is a third-generation educator with teaching experience from elementary through the university level, in addition to his K–12 administrative experience. As Vice President and Chief Academic Officer at Renaissance, Dr. Kerns advises educators in both the US and the UK about academic trends and opportunities. Previously, he served as the Supervisor of Academic Services for the Milford School District in Milford, Delaware. He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Longwood College in Virginia and a doctor of education degree from the University of Delaware. His first publication, Informative Assessment: When It’s Not About a Grade, focused on using routine, reflective, and rigorous informative assessments to inform and improve teaching practices and student learning. Learn more about Dr. Kerns.

Gene Kerns

This book offers some revolutionary proposals for transforming general education and, in particular, describes how to produce high school graduates who are independent learners that are prepared and ready to employ appropriate methods to acquire whatever skills they need to succeed in their careers

K. Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool • Coauthors of Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise

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