Assessment Masterclass: Video series

Assessment data answers critical questions about students’ progress and instructional needs. In this series, Dr. Gene Kerns cuts through common misconceptions around K‒12 assessment—and shows you the mistakes to avoid in your school or district.


Session 1: The Perfect Screening Tool

How can you gain reliable assessment data without sacrificing instructional time?


Session 2: Learning Progressions

How do you know whether your assessments truly align with your state’s learning standards?


Session 3: Focus Skills and Trip Steps

How can you prioritize the most critical literacy and math skills at each grade level?


Session 4: Authentic Spanish Assessment

What makes a Spanish reading assessment authentic—and why is this so essential?


Session 5: Comprehensive Assessment Systems

How should your school or district utilize different types of assessment throughout the year?

Assessment Masterclass: Blog series

Dr. Gene Kerns continues the assessment conversation by examining common questions from school and district leaders. You’ll explore assessment reliability, standards alignment, learning progressions, technical reviews, and more.

Female teacher in classroom

Why More Isn’t Always Better

What’s the true connection between an assessment’s length and its reliability?

Students outside a school

Why One Size Does Not Fit All

How can you ensure that your assessment tools focus on the skills that matter most?

Two teachers looking at schoolwork

Is Your Assessment a Black Box?

Where can you find rigorous, unbiased technical reviews of K‒12 assessment tools?

Teacher and student with a tablet computer

Why Some Spanish Assessments Are Not What They Appear

Why do many assessments in Spanish fail to meet the needs of Emerging Bilingual learners?

Student with a laptop

Comprehensive Assessment Systems: Finding Assessment’s Holy Grail

Is it possible to find a single, ideal assessment tool that will meet the needs of all stakeholders?

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