What’s new in Accelerated Reader this spring?
Students will find over 500 new Reading Practice quizzes in Accelerated Reader this spring, including quizzes on popular titles, award winners, and inclusive content for all interest levels.
New Accelerated Reader quizzes for Lower Grades

Our Lower Grades (LG) quizzes for spring consist of picture books, early readers, and beginning chapter books. Newly quizzed LG books in Accelerated Reader include the popular There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Worm by Lucille Colandro (Quiz No. 523020), American Indian Youth Literature Honor Book Contenders by Traci Sorrell (Quiz No. 523007), and the comic-inspired ¡Vamos! Let’s Go Read by Raúl the Third (Quiz No. 522934).
New Accelerated Reader quizzes for Middle Grades

This spring, students and teachers have been clamoring for quizzes on Middle Grade titles, including graphic novels. Freshly quizzed Middle Grade content in Accelerated Reader includes the first book in the new Misfits series, A Royal Conundrum by Lisa Yee (Quiz No. 522966), Drawing Deena by Hena Khan (Quiz No. 522254), which features a Pakistani-American girl’s struggles with anxiety, and the multiple award-garnering graphic novel Mexikid by Pedro Martín (Quiz No. 522394).
New Accelerated Reader quizzes for Middle Grades Plus

Accelerated Reader’s spring offering for middle schoolers comprises Middle Grades Plus (MG+) interest level titles and much inclusive content. Users can find quizzes on the following MG+ titles: Treasure Island: Runaway Gold by Jewell Parker Rhodes (Quiz No. 522346), an urban retelling of a classic tale, Stonewall Book Award Winner Cross My Heart and Never Lie by Nora Dåsnes (Quiz No. 522365), and nonfiction award winner Accountable by Dashka Slater (Quiz No. 522519).
New Accelerated Reader quizzes for Upper Grades

Upper Grade (UG) AR quizzes for middle school and high school students this spring include mirrors and windows for students, along with popular titles. Some of these newly quizzed books include the multi-star reviewed Shut Up, This Is Serious by Carolina Ixta (Quiz No. 522664), popular thriller At the Speed of Lies by Cindy L. Otis (Quiz No. 522531), and the emotional immigrant story The Next New Syrian Girl by Ream Shukairy (Quiz No. 522513).
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Accelerated Reader encourages purposeful practice
The books we quiz in Accelerated Reader help every student see themselves in the content, and our Accelerated Reader product works within the Renaissance Ecosystem to help educators See Every Student. As part of Renaissance’s Dynamic Reading Practice for Literacy, Accelerated Reader helps educators employ purposeful practice within their classrooms, ensuring all students become proficient readers.