Updated and new Learning Progressions available in Star Reading and Star Math for back-to-school 2024
In 2015, Renaissance was excited to announce that learning progressions were available for every state. These learning progressions are the backbone of Star Assessments, providing a teachable order of skills in context of your state’s standards, helping educators:
- Identify the early literacy, reading, and math skills students are ready to learn
- Plan instruction and practice that supports each student’s learning journey
- Prepare students for future success
Since 2015, we’ve continued evaluating and updating state-specific learning progressions, based on changes happening in each state. The following states have updated their standards, and in providing the most up-to-date information to help educators guide student learning and growth, these updated learning progressions will be reflected in the Star software.
- Updated ELA learning progressions
Florida, Kansas, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah - Updated Math learning progressions:
Arkansas, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, Virgina, West Virginia - Added Spanish Language Arts learning progression:
Illinois, New Mexico

A learning progression is the critical bridge that connects assessment, instruction, practice, and academic standards, helping educators establish a clear path forward for every student. Within the learning progression, Focus Skills™, unique to Renaissance, are also identified to help accelerate learning by focusing on the most critical skills.
For more information about how learning progressions, built for each state, help educators confidently guide student learning and growth, view this blog.