Introducing Guardian Notifications in eduCLIMBER
Renaissance is excited to announce a new way to engage families in their students’ learning progress using eduCLIMBER. In today’s fast-paced world, effective communication between schools and families is more important than ever. The new Guardian Notifications feature is designed to enhance this communication by providing a secure and efficient way for districts to share important student information with parents or guardians.
Guardian Notifications allow districts to communicate with parents or guardians about important student information, such as screener scores or intervention updates, through a secure smartFORM, which is a templatized document containing the student’s data. The feature supports bulk emailing to multiple guardians or individual emails for specific students. Additionally, smartFORMS can be sent in the student’s home language, ensuring clear and accessible communication. eduCLIMBER also documents the email sent date and receipt of guardian acknowledgement, providing a reliable record of communication.
This feature is especially helpful to meet state requirements, including Wisconsin’s Act 20 and Florida’s Rule 6A-6.053. These regulations require timely communication of certain student information to parents or guardians and often necessitate a response confirming receipt and review of the information. By using the Guardian Notifications, districts can meet these requirements efficiently and securely.
Moreover, this feature offers an efficient alternative to traditional paper communications, making it easier for districts to deliver timely updates to parents and guardians. This not only ensures that families are well-informed but also streamlines the communication process, saving time and resources for the district.
How the new Guardian Notifications feature works
To send a guardian notification, navigate to the smartFORM page and select the check box next to one or more Student Forms. Then select “Set Up Guardian Emails” to configure the email:

Once you review the student’s name, associated guardian(s), contact information, and smartFORM links, you will be prompted to select communication preferences:

You will then be able to preview the notification that will be sent to the guardian(s):

At this point, you will be prompted to preview Security Questions for the guardians, the linked smartFORMS, and the final smartFORM email settings. Once the reviews are completed, you can go ahead and click “Send” in the system. The status of the emails can be tracked in the Emails to Guardians smartFORMS tab.
Many educators rely on eduCLIMBER for day-to-day decision making and to support their MTSS framework. This new feature is a valuable tool for districts looking to improve their communication with families and guardians. By providing a secure, efficient, and accessible way to share important student information, this feature helps ensure that families are well-informed and engaged in their child’s education.
To learn how Renaissance and eduCLIMBER supports MTSS best practices, view our MTSS solution page.