Enhanced progress monitoring for behavior in FastBridge
We’re excited to share that we’ve made enhancements that improve the experience of our behavior progress monitoring tool, called Direct Behavior Ratings (DBRs), in FastBridge. With DBRs, educators can monitor student behavior, determining whether SEB interventions are working or if changes are needed. DBRs are easy to use; educators identify one or more specific problem behaviors in a student and then observe the student at planned times to record whether these behaviors occur.
The improved experience with DBRs includes:
- Enhanced ability to edit the settings of a progress monitoring plan, including separating positive from negative behaviors. This allows educators to better focus on increasing positive behaviors while decreasing negative behaviors. Enhanced editing also allows educators to adjust plans more easily as students’ needs or staff capacity changes.

- More flexibility in adding and deleting ratings from previous weeks. For example, staff members may use a clipboard or a sticky note to rate the student discreetly. With this addition, they can go back and enter data in FastBridge later.

In addition to these enhancements, data from DBRs is now automatically transferred with the student if they move schools.
Like you, we believe every student can succeed, but to do so, they need to be understood—and seen. Behavior progress monitoring is a crucial part of an MTSS/RTI framework and is mandatory in many states, especially for students receiving special education. To learn more about how behavior progress monitoring and non-academic assessment fit in Renaissance’s comprehensive assessment system, please click here.